
Armour Vitamin C. This delicious, effervescent, orange-flavored powder easily provides targeted dosing of vitamin C.

• Quercetin is a highly concentrated bioflavonoid found in citrus fruits, red wine, and tea. Sometimes called the ‘king of the flavonoids, it supports the immune system as well as a healthy inflammatory response.

• Hesperidin, another powerful but lesser-known bioflavonoid, can be found in oranges and grapefruits.

• Rutin is found in asparagus, citrus fruits, and berries such as cranberries and mulberries.

• Vitamin C and bioflavonoids are found together in nature, because they work synergistically; for instance, oranges are rich in both vitamin C and the bioflavonoid, hesperidin.

All three bioflavonoids in this product – quercetin, hesperiden and rutin – are noted for their protective, antioxidative and immune-supportive properties as well as their support for a healthy inflammatory response.

They are also recognized for supporting heart health and their role in assisting to create a positive microbial balance in the body. • Quercetin, hesperidin, and rutin, especially when paired with vitamin C, work together to protect and preserve the structure of blood capillaries, supporting blood vessel health.

Recommended Use: Take 4 grams (approximately one scoop) per day or as directed by your health-care practitioner.